Alejandro González-Hevia

Hi, welcome to my personal website! I'm Alejandro González Hevia, a software engineer graduated at the University of Oviedo, with a special focus on web technologies and machine learning engineering.

I have professional experience with several mobile (Swift and Unity) and web (JavaScript + Angular and Python + Flask) development tools. I'm currently looking for opportunities to keep learning and progressing in my professional career.

You can find me on these sites, feel free to contact me 😊


  • Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering, University of Oviedo 2015-2019
  • Master's Degree in Web Engineering, University of Oviedo 2020-2022

Work Experience

  • Software developer at Neosentec. Working on augmented reality applications for iOS devices. May-November 2018
  • Research assistant at University of Oviedo. Working at the WESO group in the ASIO and EDMA projects. January-October 2020

Website Layout

This is the main content you can find in my website:

  • A brief description of the projects I have been involved in can be found here.
  • I sometimes write about my thoughts and other -hopefully- interesting stuff in my blog.
  • There is also a list of publications where you can find my previous research.